increased date
If chars's length is 2 return chars, if chars's length is 1 return 0${chars}
any string
2 chars string
random object in array
random array item
random adult age
random adult count age 18-115
random adult count
random adult count between 1-12
random answers array
random sub array of [5, 6, 16, 18, 27, 35, 12, 13, 25, 32, 33, 34, 1, 2, 41, 9, 10, 22, 40]
random children age
random children count age 0-17
random children count
random children count between 0-12
random coordinate on the world
random coordinate on the world { lat: [(-90)-(90)], lng: [(-180)-(180)] }
random date range
random date range for create a trip { arrivalDate: YYYY-MM-DD, departureDate: YYYY-MM-DD } Maximum range is 14.
random companion
random register request.
random reservation
random trip profile
random ordered array
random ordered array of param array items.
random password
random username start with pass
random time
random time between 00:00
and 23:59
random time range
random time range for create a trip { startTime: hh:mm, endTime: hh:mm }
random trip profile
random user update request.
random username
random username start with Uu
and length is 9 chars
add days param times day to date